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IP Geolocation Blog

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Posted on April 6, 2020

Web Content Personalization through IP Geolocation API

Ranking higher in search engines is the ultimate goal of website owners and developers. Although ranking algorithms are quite complex, we know that user experience (UX) also plays a significant role in them. Google and other search engines mainly want users to be happy or at the very least, satisfied, which not only entails giving them what they are searching for but also ensuring they have a positive experience.

UX as a ranking factor was confirmed in 2017 when low-quality websites that were laden with ads dipped in search ranking. Web pages that don’t give users what they need despite high rankings in the past may see a decline if their content quality drops.

For this reason, web content personalization has been gaining importance. In this post, we primarily focus on how tools like IP Geolocation API can help site owners personalize content to improve UX.

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Posted on March 26, 2020

Building an Effective Omnichannel Retail Strategy with IP Geolocation Database Lookup

Most retailers nowadays harness the power of the Internet to reach a broad range of consumers. But it doesn’t mean e-commerce has made physical facilities redundant. In fact, many shoppers like to use both channels, sometimes even nearly real time to complete a purchase.

For instance, some might “window shop” online to quickly evaluate alternatives and availabilities but then buy in-store so they can make sure a chosen product fits their needs. Or, on the contrary, they might check out physical items first but end up ordering online out of convenience.

It’s all about giving choices and possibilities these days to consumers so they successfully go through the buying journey.

For that reason, retail businesses have migrated toward omnichannel. In this post, we’ll talk about omnichannel retailing and illustrate how IP Geolocation can add value to the shopping experience.

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Posted on March 10, 2020

How to Optimize E-Commerce Personalization Strategies with a IP Geolocation API

With so much hype, it’s no wonder that personalization is getting harder to ignore for e-commerce businesses. Smart marketers know that the shotgun approach is dead. Personalization is the new black, and they need to get on board if they want a conversion lift. This post discusses how to personalize content with the help of an IP Geolocation API according to audience parameters.

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Posted on February 17, 2020

IP Geolocation API: Intensifying 4 Location-Based Marketing Tactics

At a time when the world has become a vast global village thanks to technology, marketers are going in a different direction – local instead of global as they found location-based marketing effective in generating more business and converting buyer impulses into sales. A study revealed that 84% of organizations saw an increase in their location data-based marketing campaigns’ effectiveness.

The key to achieving the benefits of location-based marketing is accurate, high-quality location data, which IP Geolocation API can provide. The location data that the API returns include a particular IP address’s country code, region, city, postal code, latitude and longitude, Internet service provider (ISP), Autonomous System Number (ASN) type, time zone, and other associated domain names if any.

Given its rich location data, IP Geolocation API has several use cases ranging from threat protection and fraud detection to trend analysis, demographic targeting, and marketing. In this post, we focused on how the API can intensify location-based or geolocation marketing.

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Posted on January 31, 2020

Fraud and Identity Theft Prevention By Using an IP Location Database

Offering high-quality customer experience (UX) often means personalizing and customizing products and services. Businesses have to collect personally identifiable information (PII) from customers, such as date of birth, credit card details, addresses, and other information. This is also the kind of data fraudsters are after so they can carry out identity theft.

Identity theft isn’t even a new crime, which sprung up from the digitalization of business processes. It has been around since the early 1900s. Until recently, fraudsters emptied contents of garbage bins to find copies of legal documents with personal information.

These days, fraudsters don’t even have to stand up and get out of their houses to obtain PII. Even script kiddies can launch cyberattacks to instigate fraud — thus making it every time more necessary to protect customers. Let’s see why doing so matters in this post as well as look at how an IP geolocation data feed can help in the process.

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Posted on January 13, 2020

How IP Lookup Geolocation Can Improve App Development

App developers find it particularly challenging to make sense of user behavior. Often, users install apps out of curiosity and only use most of them once or twice before completely forgetting about them. Alternatively, they will uninstall these apps right after their curiosity is satisfied.

One way for app developers to increase user engagement and retention is by incorporating IP geolocation into their creations. By maximizing geolocation data, app developers can know their users better in a non-obtrusive manner as well as better figure out what stimulates retention.

More recently, organizations have been moving toward personalizing their offerings to improve user experience aided by IP lookup geolocation tools. Personalizing apps can be likened to anticipating what users want or need. Giving them something valuable even before they ask increases app developers’ scores in terms of providing robust user experience.

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Posted on January 9, 2020

3 Geo-Targeting Success Stories and Other IP Address Geolocation API Lessons for Marketers

Experts are now starting to recognize the impact of location-based marketing on today’s cluttered ecosystem, long overlooked by the industry. Consumers are more scattered than ever, proving it to be a challenge for most brands and their marketing teams. However, location-based technologies enabled by tools like IP Geolocation API could soon change that, as experts see it as an effective solution to the disruption of an increasingly divided and distracted audience.

Marketers know it’s time to listen when digital marketing authorities are touting the benefits of location-based marketing...

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Posted on December 20, 2019

Improved Data Gathering through Behavioral Targeting with IP Geolocation Lookup

The increasing use of the Internet caused a shift in how people do business. At present, business owners have to deal with stiffer competition and stricter regulations. Tracking users on the Web, while sometimes considered an infringement of privacy, is widely done by most sites today. For some organizations, tracking user behavior and patterns is actually crucial in keeping their businesses up and running.

Google (60.3%) and Facebook (27.1%) were two of the major trackers of online user behavior. Tracking online behavior has a lot to do with creating buyer personas that allow site owners to craft advertising campaigns that target their audience accurately. This technique is known as “behavioral targeting.”

This post discusses what behavioral targeting is, how it helps businesses to succeed, and how IP Geolocation Lookup can help with it.

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Posted on December 5, 2019

Enhancing Digital Rights Management By Using IP Geolocation Database and Feeds

As online streaming service providers strive to meet the demand for more digital content in the form of movies, music, books, and software, they also face a significant challenge to remain profitable — copyright protection.

In 2017, Statista found a total of 300 billion visits to media piracy sites, approximately 36% of which was for TV series and the rest for film and music. Pirates duplicate copyrighted content and distribute it at lower prices or even for free. In most cases, the pirates earn from pay-per-view streaming and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Media pirates earn millions of dollars, while studios and online streaming providers lose US $6.1 billion a year. Authors and book publishers, meanwhile, are losing US $300 million a year due to e-book piracy.

To protect their content from abuse and ultimately their revenue, media publishers are now employing digital rights management (DRM) solutions. Let’s explore what this method is and how using IP geolocation data can help make it more effective.

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Posted on November 5, 2019

How an IP Location API Can Bolster Content Personalization

These days, people are all about personalization. The more personalized the content is, the more customers would want to visit the site. Increased website traffic means more income, and for most website owners and developers, that’s the goal. For businesses that not only cater to online clients but also have physical stores, the goal is to bring online visitors to their brick-and-mortar establishments. But how can they effectively do this without compromising the quality of their service? Let’s take a closer look.

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Posted on September 11, 2019

The Best Ways to Get a User's Location in JavaScript

Geolocating your website's users can be useful for a wide variety of purposes. For example, you may want to show a different version of your website to users in different localities. You may be trying to better understand where your users live so you can tailor your website to better suit their needs. Or, maybe your website can only function in certain areas.

Whatever your reasons, geolocating your users and knowing where they're coming from can be useful.

There are a few different ways to geolocate users by using JavaScript. Each method has its own tradeoffs. I'm going to cover all the different ways in which you can geolocate users by using JavaScript below.

The methods below are ranked from best to worst (factoring in accuracy, convenience, and complexity). This will hopefully help you decide which approach to take according to your requirements.

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Posted on May 20, 2019

How Traffic Filtering Works using IP Geolocation

The cyber threat landscape changes daily. These days, it’s the real people that are launching spam attacks and other malicious activities against networks. Traditional security measures that have previously been effective against various forms of attack are no longer adequate. With the growing number of sophisticated attacks, new security measures are needed.

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Posted on April 17, 2019

The Collaboration Between Machine Learning and IP Geolocation

The scientific study of statistical models and algorithms used by computer systems to perform specific tasks without human involvement and explicit instructions, machine learning (ML) uses inference and patterns to be able to work on its own.

Different from traditional computation, ML allows the computer to perform a more advanced analysis of data without a human supervising. Human operators provide the computer with initial data, instructing their analytical software to detect specific information or provide answers to vaguely formulated questions.

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Posted on March 18, 2019

The IP Geolocation API Guide: Why Tracking Web Users’ Whereabouts Matters

Where are our customers? This is one of the questions businesses keep asking because when they know the answer, it is easier to plan out strategic and tactical operations — e.g., reaching out to target audiences, setting up offices and stores, promoting new products, and gaining momentum.

Location is also a crucial element of interacting with clients, and it should not only be taken into consideration by brick-and-mortar organizations but also by online stores whose buyers are scattered all over the Web.

So how can businesses get their hands on such critical information? That’s simple: They can leverage the power behind the IP addresses of their customers with IP geolocation, a technology that enables organizations to obtain location-based data quickly and, as a result, find out where their consumers are.

In this whitepaper, let’s see how employing IP Geolocation can benefit companies and what its most prominent use cases across industries are.

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Posted on January 18, 2019

How IP Geolocation can Help Business Security Management

When it comes to business security management, knowing the "where" of a potential threat can be as important as or even more important than the "who" or "when." The reasons for this are fairly easy to understand. The nature of litigation and the location of sensitive property or facilities make it necessary for companies to understand all the potential threats to both their own safety and that of their stakeholders, and to take the necessary steps to protect and safeguard that property.

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Posted on December 24, 2018

How Geotargeting Gives Your Consumer Data More Value

Thanks to geotargeting, the consumer data you collect and maintain has way more value than you may have thought.

It's a challenge to keep up with changing marketing strategies and to learn new ones. Today, businesses can harvest a wealth of information about their customers that they can analyze for trends and insights. The more you know, the better the marketing strategies you can devise. The ability to focus your marketing efforts on selling the products and services you offer to customers you know are looking for them is invaluable.

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Posted on December 2, 2018

Is It Time for an IP Geolocation Registry?

IP geolocation is the kind of thing people don’t think about—until it goes wrong. In an age of increasingly precise, tailored searches, consumers want relevant results, and when those results appear in the wrong language, or refer to distant resources, everyone loses. Sometimes, the problem is within the search engine itself, but more often this kind of problem arises from inaccurate data regarding the searcher’s location.

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Posted on October 26, 2018

How IP Geolocation Can Improve Price Optimization Strategies

Since its inception, e-commerce has been increasingly significant to brands and businesses, year after year. Business success relies on understanding customers, though, and this data is even more important through online channels, allowing optimal engagement with potential and returning customers. Price optimization, in particular, requires hard data to build an approach on; uninformed pricing compromises profits and, potentially, customer trust. IP geolocation - mapping the IP address of an internet-connected device to its geographic location - is a crucial source of such data. When used smartly, IP geolocation can help you improve profits and enhance customer satisfaction with your business.

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Posted on September 5, 2018

Geolocation Usage in Modern Marketing

Constant technological mobility has changed the face of modern marketing. Although the ability to track a potential customer or client’s movements has been available for years, customizing the customer experience according to their IP address geolocation has become an industry secret that many companies have discovered and utilized. Understanding how companies can use IP geolocation to enhance their customer experience can help both the consumer and the business to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship.

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Posted on August 27, 2018

IP Geolocation API by WHOIS API, Inc. Launches Comprehensive IP Geolocation Database

An online tool for instantly finding IP addresses’ physical geolocation enables users to uncover which country, state or city website visitors originate from.

IP Geolocation API,, a subsidiary of California-based WHOIS API, Inc. and an online tool for instantly finding an IP address’s physical geolocation, announced the launch of its comprehensive and accurate IP geolocation database. Updated weekly, the database allows users to uncover which country, state or even city website visitors originate from, and currently offers 8,243,431 IP blocks (including IPv4 and IPv6) and unique 340,423 locations, with 99.5% of currently used IP addresses covered.

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Posted on August 14, 2018

IP Address Geolocation: 4 Secrets You Didn’t Know

If you do not know what IP geolocation is, or need a refresher on the definition, here is a quick explanation: IP address geolocation is a technology that allows someone to locate another person’s general geographic area, and sometimes the type of internet connection they are communicating through, by using information gained from that person’s IP address.

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Posted on July 23, 2018

Where? Here: An Introduction to IP Geolocation

When targeting your audience, you must answer the "Five Ws": Who, What, Where, When, Why. Your brand, product, goals, and research enable you to confirm four of the five, but "where" has always remained a mystery — until now. The introduction of IP geolocation into the marketing landscape has changed things forever. With the use of an IP geolocation tool, your marketing dollars will generate a higher ROI than ever before.

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Posted on June 14, 2018

3 Reasons To Use IP Geolocation API To Enhance Location Targeting and Improve Mobile Marketing

The vast majority of people in your eligible target market have mobile devices. From tablets to cell phones to smart watches, almost everyone has a way to be reached on the go. This means mobile marketing should be a huge part of your marketing strategy. Using IP Geolocation API allows you to focus your marketing on a more specific audience and reach potential customers who may already be interested in the products or services your company offers. Here are just a few ways using this technology can benefit your business.

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Posted on May 14, 2018

How to obtain IP geolocation data?

IP geolocation data specify the geographical location (or geolocation) of networked devices. Many of these devices, especially non-mobile ones do not have GPS or any other means of determining their positions. Even if the device contains information about its own position it is not necessarily communicated for e.g., privacy reasons.

IP geolocation data are important in many applications ranging from network security to social sciences (see our other blog for details). Different accuracies maybe targeted: region level, city level, exact latitude and longitude coordinates. But where do they really come from? Here we describe this on two levels. First we outline at least some of the methods to generate these data from scratch in order to elucidate how sophisticated this task is. Next we describe how to obtain these data in practice, a much simpler business indeed.

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Posted on May 14, 2018

The use of IP geolocation data: an overview

Probably nobody doubts that IP geolocation data should be important in many applications. If you know at least approximately where a device using a given IP address is located, obviously you can do a lot of things. Of course you may wonder how it can be found out, and you are right: doing it from scratch it is far from being straightforward (we have another blog about it if you are interested) Also, IPs are given dynamically and sometimes the devices using them change locations. This is also something one should bear in mind when using IP geolocation data. In spite of these potential difficulties they are really very useful. In the present article we provide a brief overview of at least some of the applications.

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